Hi Beauty,

I often find when it comes to health and wellness the most important thing is having a number of tools available at your fingertips at any given moment. It’s why I focus on helping clients build their own customized wellness toolbox with tips, tricks, and various tidbits that they can pull out at any given moment.

So when I read an interesting nugget, I usually make a mental note to add that to my own personal wellness toolbox or share it with a client if appropriate.

Today I want to share a tidbit I picked up from an interview in The Cut with 96-year-old Deborah Szekely, the founder of Rancho La Puerto and Golden Door.

This piece of advice is fantastic and I’ve already started using it to navigate some tricky decisions while ensuring I’m prioritizing my well-being.

I think you may appreciate using it too.

It’s simple.

Ask yourself when you’re unsure of what to do or what decision to take

Is this “Life enhancing? or Life diminishing?”

It’s a wonderful, highly effective way to tap into your own inner wisdom because the answer will more often than not be unequivocally clear.

You can use this to gain clarity with food, but I think the more powerful place to use this is in other areas of your life. Relationships, career choices, social engagements, opportunities, leisure activities, etc.

Life Enhancing - Life Diminshing

This clarity is super important because when we are out of alignment with our inner wisdom, even in areas that seem unrelated to our health, disharmony can show up in different forms like anxiety, fatigue, general malaise and illness.

Ultimately everything we do is connected to our health and is either life enhancing or life diminishing. Staying aligned with that which nourishes your soul and body will keep you happy, healthy, joyful, and centered. It’s good to know the power of choice is in our hands.

You can read the whole interview here.

