For general informational purposes only. Not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness or disease. Content from this site or connected social media channels is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website. Please consult with a physician before starting any new fitness or nutritional regime.
Intuitive Health Coaching & Shamanic Journeying is not a regulated medical practice or practice that diagnoses or treats illnesses of body or mind and is considered experimental by most members of the medical profession.
Any exploration of one’s past or current difficulties—common practices within Shamanic work and Intuitive Health Coaching as well as many other personal development approaches—may evoke disquieting memories or emotions. While these may be markers on the path of personal evolution, the individual undertaking such exploration assumes any and all associated risks.
Although the modalities presented on this website are widely viewed as non-invasive and benign interventions into the body’s energy system, any procedure that frees energies that have been blocked may cause mild reactions such as nausea, headaches, or temporary pains as the energies begin to move and reset themselves. While these may be markers on the path of personal evolution, the individual undertaking such exploration assumes any and all associated risks.
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